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New: Our Basic Qualification ip Ab-Initio Certificate

With the Basic Qualification ip Ab-Initio, we offer you the opportunity to qualify today for future training at one of our partner flight schools. The Basic Qualification ip Ab-Initio is a product at the highest level. It meets the recommendations of IATA, the interest group for airlines active worldwide, and the legal requirements and standards of EASA, the European Aviation Safety Agency.

The Basic Qualification ip Ab-Initio is currently valid for 24 months and is recognized as a necessary performance check at our attractive partner flight schools. High costs for flight school training usually mean a high level of motivation and a financial risk. Test your performance, your skills and your psycho-motor skills. In this way, you can eliminate many risk factors for your future professional life as a pilot even before your flight school training. The Basic Qualification ip can be repeated after 3 months.

359,00 €

price inkl. Vat

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Our Basic Qualification ip Certificate for Ready Entry pilots

With the Basic Qualification ip, we offer you the opportunity to qualify today for a future position in the cockpit of our partner airlines. The Basic Qualification ip is a product at the highest level. It fulfils the recommendations of IATA and the requirements of EASA from the regulations of AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175(b).

Use the time to be one step ahead today. Unlike being commissioned by the various airlines, after the Basic Qualification ip you will receive a personal certificate as feedback on your results. All test procedures that potential employers also expect are carried out in the required quality.

429,00 €

Prices incl. VAT

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Currently, the Basic Qualification ip is recognised by the following partner airlines:


Our next events for inmediate booking


If you are looking for individual advice on your professional opportunities at the current time, you have the opportunity for an intensive coaching interview with one of our EAQC teams of experts. A team of experts consists of a selection captain and an aviation psychologist who, with their different skills and perspectives, look at their previous CV and flying career and explore future professional development opportunities. The focus is on what individual strengths and areas of development exist, what opportunities exist for maintaining qualifications and improving qualifications. The aim is to get the best out of the current situation, to carry out an individual, realistic assessment of the situation and to develop options for action. Together with you, we develop ways to best meet the competitive job market for pilots.

Our next events for inmediate booking

Basic Qualification ip
Basic Qualification ip
10/21/24, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Interpersonal | Geschwister-Beschütz-Bogen 4 D-22335 Hamburg, Germany
No free places left
With the Basic Qualification ip, we will offer you the opportunity to qualify for a future position in the cockpit as soon as possible. The Basic Qualification ip is a product at the highest level, recognized by many of our customers. It meets the requirements of EASA and the regulations from AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175 (b). Use the time to qualify for future selection procedures as soon as possible. In contrast to an assignment by the various airlines, you will receive a personal certificate as feedback on your results after the Basic Qualification ip.
Basic Qualification ip
Basic Qualification ip
10/28/24, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Interpersonal | Geschwister-Beschütz-Bogen 4 D-22335 Hamburg, Germany
4 places left
With the Basic Qualification ip, we will offer you the opportunity to qualify for a future position in the cockpit as soon as possible. The Basic Qualification ip is a product at the highest level, recognized by many of our customers. It meets the requirements of EASA and the regulations from AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175 (b). Use the time to qualify for future selection procedures as soon as possible. In contrast to an assignment by the various airlines, you will receive a personal certificate as feedback on your results after the Basic Qualification ip.
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Basic Qualification ip
Basic Qualification ip
11/18/24, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Interpersonal | Geschwister-Beschütz-Bogen 4 D-22335 Hamburg, Germany
No free places left
With the Basic Qualification ip, we will offer you the opportunity to qualify for a future position in the cockpit as soon as possible. The Basic Qualification ip is a product at the highest level, recognized by many of our customers. It meets the requirements of EASA and the regulations from AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.175 (b). Use the time to qualify for future selection procedures as soon as possible. In contrast to an assignment by the various airlines, you will receive a personal certificate as feedback on your results after the Basic Qualification ip.
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