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1. General terms and conditions

1.1 The website is operated by interpersonal GmbH, Hamburg, Germany. (hereinafter referred to as "interpersonal") grants all individuals and companies (hereinafter referred to as "you" or "user") access to and use of this website exclusively on the legal basis of the following General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as "GTCs"). These GTCs are a valid part of all contractual or pre-contractual agreements between user and interpersonal. Please read the following GTCs carefully. By using the site and by clicking the checkbox: "I agree to the GTCs" you expressly agree to these GTCs.

1.2 The terms and conditions can be changed with effect for the future. These GTCs were last amended on: 18.11.2021 and get their legal effect with date of the user's consent, beginning 18.11.2021.

1.3 interpersonal reserves the right to establish specific terms and conditions for certain areas of this website that are not accessible to the public, or to agree such terms and conditions with specific users.


2. Services

2.1 interpersonal GmbH offers on its website an electronic platform for recruitment services, placement and selection and temporary employment of personnel for employing companies on the one hand and for job search, application and other related services on the other hand. With its Online Shop interpersonal offers and processes the purchase and booking of training and qualification services.

2.2 The use of the website is generally offered on all days at any time. In case of technical failures, maintenance works, infrastructural overload or other influences leading to failures of the website or individual services, claims for damages of the user against interpersonal are excluded.

2.3 interpersonal is entitled to change, completely or partially discontinue the services of the website for the user at any time. Claims for damages of the user against interpersonal or claims to continue certain services are excluded.


3. Use of the website

3.1 The website is only allowed to be used by persons with legal capacity and a minimum age of 18 years. The website may only be used by the user in a manner and for purposes that are not in conflict with any legal regulations in Germany, the EU or the applicable law in the user's country.


3.2 Registration

3.2.1 For the use of services in the not generally accessible area of the website or in the Online Shop a free registration (creation of a user account) is required. With the registration the user receives electronic access data for certain non-public parts of the site, or the possibility to electronically  purchase or book services.

3.2.2 The registration data only entitle the individual, natural person of the user to access. For submitting applications to an employer, job applications, advertisements of self-employed persons via the online applicant management system, the entry of profile data may be required. The user has no legal claim to access registration and further use of the non-public areas of the website. interpersonal reserves the right to exclude users from the use of the site without giving reasons.
3.2.3 When registering, entering profile data, submitting applications or job requests as well as using our online store, personal data of this user (e.g. name, address, e-mail address, etc.) will be electronically processed and stored. (Please read our privacy policy).


3.3 Rights and duties

3.3.1 The user is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of his access data to the non-publicly accessible part of the website (please read our data protection regulations). The password can be changed by the user at any time via the function: "Change user data". The user undertakes inform interpersonal to prevent any unauthorized use of his access data. In this case please use the E-mail:

3.3.2 The user is obliged to enter only truthful data. Entering incomplete, false or misleading information is prohibited. Any action that violates system or network security or is intended to do so or is likely to deceive employers, other users or interpersonal (e.g. obtaining unauthorized access) is prohibited and may result in civil and criminal prosecution.

3.3.3 interpersonal is entitled to block or delete data of users if the continuation of the user agreement is unacceptable for interpersonal. Without being limited to this, unacceptable in this sense is when the authentication of the data is impossible, when information provided by the user is presumably or obviously false, when the website is presumably or obviously misused, when functions of the website are impaired or damaged or when the general terms of use are violated.

3.3.4 Unless another form is required by law, all essential communications concerning the user relationship shall be sent by e-mail. It is the User's responsibility to maintain a valid, accessible e-mail address in his/her profile data.

3.3.5 If the user posts content, pictures, videos or links on, he is obliged not to violate decency and applicable law, especially copyright, trademark / labeling law, personal rights and other rights of third parties by posting such content or links. Without any obligation on the part of interpersonal to review such content and links, interpersonals entitled to block or delete content and data if it is suspected to be or is obviously contrary to decency or applicable law.

3.3.6 If the user makes use on the website embedded functions of YouTube, Google, MS Bing Maps or any of payment methods offered in our online store processed by payment service providers, and if applicable separate GTCs of these providers apply, the user accepts the terms and conditions of the respective provider.  


4. Online Shop

4.1 Scope

interpersonal offers and sells trainings and services for qualification and other services (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Services") trough the Online Shop on the Website. All contracts, purchases, orders, bookings made for Services shall be governed exclusively by the following Terms and Conditions in the relationship between the user and interpersonal.


4.2 Contractual relationship

4.2.1 If interpersonal is the executor or organizer of the offered services, a contractual relationship between the user and interpersonal is established by the purchase of the service according to 4.3.
4.2.2 If the service is performed or organized by a third party, the purchase creates a contractual relationship exclusively between the user (customer) and the respective provider/organizer. These legal relationships may be subject to the respective provider's or organizer's own general terms and conditions. interpersonal sells the use or participation of such services on behalf of the respective provider or organizer as an intermediary or as a commission agent. By purchasing or ordering such a service, the user merely commissions interpersonal with the mediation and processing of the purchase or order.


4.3 Conclusion of contract

4.3.1 The offer for the conclusion of a contract is made by the user as soon as he has clicked on the so-called "buy button" or the button clearly labeled (e.g. with "order now / book now") according to § 312j para. 3 BGB (German Civil Code). Only with the order / booking confirmation and the assignment of an order number by interpersonal to the user a contract between the user (customer) customer and interpersonal or, if applicable, a third party service provider or organizer is concluded.
4.3.2 In case of a purchase or an order of a service, the subject matter of the contract and the service provider's obligation to perform is always limited to the person of the customer with whom the contract has been concluded; i.e. a transfer or resale to other users is not permitted.

4.4 Cancellation

4.4.1 Interpersonal or third party service providers or organizers are entitled to cancel an order or booking of the client, for which an order number has already been assigned and confirmed (unilateral right of withdrawal), if the client violates conditions set by the service provider or organizer, which were pointed out in the course of contract execution, or tries to circumvent them (e.g. violation of COVID 19 - access restrictions) or there are outstanding claims from the previous business relationship with the client. The aforementioned right of withdrawal is subject to §§ 346 ff. BGB are applicable to the exclusion of § 350 BGB.

4.4.2 In the event of local or temporal alterations of services or events for which the service provider or the event organizer is responsible, the latter is entitled to declare the validity of the original order/booking of the original event for the new, relocated location or date. If such a relocation is not acceptable for the customer, the original order/booking may be reversed.


4.5 Payment procedure and invoicing

4.5.1 Depending on the product, service, event and ordering procedure, various payment methods may be offered. If we offer them, payment can be made by SEPA direct debit, PayPal or credit card (Visa, Mastercard), or by advance payment by bank transfer. The statutory value added tax is usually included in the price, unless the service is performed exempt from VAT (e.g. cross-border execution, possibly certain training services).

4.5.2 The total price of the order, including any applicable fees, is due for payment immediately after conclusion of the contract for the payment methods credit card, SEPA direct debit and PayPal. Deviating from this, in case of the payment method prepayment, the total price has to be transferred in full to the specified account of interpersonal by the notified date prior to the performance of the service.

4.5.3 If there are additional charges for certain products or services, these will be shown to the customer in the shopping cart during the order process, beyond that there will be no additional costs.

4.6 Retention of Title

interpersonal retains title to a purchased item/service until the invoice amount has been paid in full. In case of participation in a training or service for qualification, the transfer of the claim resulting from the purchase is subject to the condition of full payment of the invoice amount. The corresponding security rights are transferable to third parties.

4.7 Data protection and data transmission during purchase or order.

Depending on the respective payment method offered and selected by the customer, personal data will be processed for contract execution and may be transmitted to the appropriate cooperation partners or service providers (eg. payment service providers or credit card agencies). Please see details in our privacy policy under: 13. business-related processing.


5. Cancellation policy

5.1 General

For purchases, orders via our online store, the user as a consumer is entitled to a right of withdrawal in accordance with § 312g BGB. Thereafter, the user has the right to revoke a contract concluded with us within fourteen days without giving any reason. The revocation period is fourteen days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To comply with the revocation period, it is sufficient that you send the notification of the exercise of the right of revocation before the expiry of the revocation period.

5.2 Right of Revocation

In order to exercise your right of revocation, you must inform interpersonal by means of a clear declaration (e.g. a letter sent by mail, fax or e-mail) of your decision to revoke this contract. For this purpose, you may use the attached model withdrawal form, which is, however, not mandatory. [LINK PDF]

Important notice:

5.3 Restrictions on the right of withdrawal

There is no right of withdrawal for users or the right of withdrawal for consumers can expire prematurely if contracts for the provision of services (among others in the areas of accommodation, for the provision of other services in connection with leisure activities, if the contract provides for a specific date or period for the provision.
This means that if interpersonal offers you services for training or qualification on specific dates at specific venues and you make a binding booking for these dates, there is no right of withdrawal. Each order for specific service dates (tickets) is therefore binding immediately after confirmation of your order by interpersonal and obligates you to accept and pay for the service.


5.4 Consequences of revocation

If you revoke your contract, we have to refund all payments we have received from you, including delivery costs (if applicable, with the exception of additional costs due to special delivery orders by the user) immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day we have received the notification of your revocation of this contract.
For this repayment, we will generally use the same means of payment that you used for the original transaction, alternatively by bank transfer to your checking account; in no case will you be charged for this repayment.


6. Copyrights

6.1 All content, images, videos and program codes of the site are copyrighted property of interpersonal or other owners. Any form of use or reproduction without written permission is prohibited.

6.2 All content, pictures and videos entered by the user on the site are the copyright property of the user, unless there are rights of third parties. The user grants interpersonal the right to use such content free of charge.

6.3 In addition, the user grants certain other users (e.g. the applicant to the employer, or the employer to the applicant) the right of use for the intended purpose by the system settings and content entered by the user. These limited rights of use "for the intended purpose" include all measures that are necessary or conducive to fulfilling the purpose of creating data (e.g., initiating an employment relationship). Measures of use that go beyond this, e.g. duplication, modification, publication of data, content or images of an employer by the applicant, are expressly excluded.

6.4 The user warrants to interpersonal and other users that the content and data posted by him are either his unrestricted copyright property or, in case of the existence of third party rights, that these rights have been fully and effectively relinquished or that the right to use and further transfer this content has been transferred to him.

6.5 Copyrights, protective rights as well as other rights of third parties, which are accessed via the website by means of links or in any other way, remain in their entirety with the respective rights holder and are protected accordingly.


7. Liability

7.1 interpersonal shall be liable in accordance with the statutory provisions (including but not limited to the Product Liability Act), for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence, in case of fraudulent concealment as well as for damages resulting from injury to life, body or health or breach of warranty.

7.2 interpersonal's liability in case of breach of essential contractual obligations based on simple negligence only shall be limited to the compensation of the foreseeable damage typical for this type of contract.

7.3 The user shall otherwise indemnify interpersonal from all claims on his part - irrespective of the legal basis - unless a damage is caused by the reasons mentioned in paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 above.

7.4 As far as interpersonal's liability is excluded or limited according to the above paragraphs, this shall also apply to the liability of its vicarious agents.

7.5 The user shall be liable for any damage caused to interpersonal by misuse or illegal use of the website according to the legal standards.

7.6 As far as services of third parties are offered or mediated via the website, interpersonal GmbH shall not be liable for entry, quality and characteristics of these services.

7.7 As far as the services of the website use or contain contents of other users, interpersonal is not liable for the correctness of these data, which users have entered by mistake or misuse.


8. Warranty

8.1 interpersonal undertakes to make every effort, within the scope of its economic and technical possibilities, to ensure that the website functions without errors. However, interpersonal cannot, by its nature, guarantee the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the data contained in the online presence, nor the error-free functioning of software or hardware at any time, nor the permanent prevention of abusive interference by third parties.

8.2 interpersonal does not guarantee the success, the marketability and the suitability of the offers of its website for the purposes of the user or the success of a specific personnel action.

8.3 interpersonal does not guarantee that the content posted by other users is free of third party rights. For the content, correctness and legal admissibility of the text and picture material provided for the placement of the respective job search, the user who has placed this content on the website is solely responsible. The validity of §§ 5 TDG and 5 MDStV remain unaffected.

8.4 interpersonal does not guarantee that the use of the website in all countries is in accordance with the national legislation of the country for all persons. The user is solely responsible for using the website in accordance with the laws and jurisdiction of his or her country.

9. Final clauses

9.1 The laws of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply exclusively, to the exclusion of the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods. Should one of the regulations of these general terms and conditions prove to be invalid, the remaining regulations shall remain unaffected and retain their full legal effect.

9.2 If the user (customer) is an entrepreneur in the sense of § 14 BGB (German Civil Code), the place of performance for services and payments is usually Hamburg. In certain cases, another place of performance may be contractually agreed.

9.3 If the customer is a merchant, the exclusive (also international) place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship shall be Hamburg. In case of cross-border contracts this shall also apply to non-merchants.

9.4 interpersonal shall not participate in any dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.